Aumente as visitas do seu blog colocando social bookmarks. Uma dica interessante para que você melhore seus resultados é a adição do sexy bookmarks, um plugin feito para wordpress contendo links dos artigos para envio as redes sociais como digg,facebook,stambleupon e outros, agora você já pode usar o sexy bookmarks na plataforma do blogger. Acompanhe este tutorial de implementação e deixe seu blog mais social do que nunca.

Para que você possa exibir corretamente os links de social bookmarks em seu blog entre no painel de controle do blogger procure pela aba "layout" e depois clique em "Editar HTML" para exibir o código fonte do seu template. Antes de editar seu template clique em baixar modelo completo para fazer um backup do theme evitando assim erros posteriores que possam ocorrer em seu blog. Depois de feito o backup, clique em "Expandir modelos de widgets" copie e cole os códigos a seguir antes da tag: </head>

<! -- copie este código fonte -->
<style type='text/css'> div.sexy-bookmarks { height:54px; background:url('https://img198.imageshack.us/i/sexytrans.png') no-repeat left bottom; position:relative; width:540px; }
div.sexy-bookmarks span.sexy-rightside { width:17px; height:54px; background:url('https://i43.tinypic.com/2ueii3t.png') no-repeat right bottom; position:absolute; right:-17px; }
div.sexy-bookmarks ul.socials { margin:0 !important; padding:0 !important; position:absolute; bottom:0; left:10px; }
div.sexy-bookmarks ul.socials li { display:inline-block !important; float:left !important; list-style-type:none !important; margin:0 !important; height:29px !important; width:48px !important; cursor:pointer !important; padding:0 !important; }
div.sexy-bookmarks ul.socials a { display:block !important; width:48px !important; height:29px !important; font-size:0 !important; color:transparent !important; }
.sexy-furl, .sexy-furl:hover, .sexy-digg, .sexy-digg:hover, .sexy-reddit, .sexy-reddit:hover, .sexy-stumble, .sexy-stumble:hover, .sexy-delicious, .sexy-delicious:hover, .sexy-yahoo, .sexy-yahoo:hover, .sexy-blinklist, .sexy-blinklist:hover, .sexy-technorati, .sexy-technorati:hover, .sexy-facebook, .sexy-facebook:hover, .sexy-twitter, .sexy-twitter:hover, .sexy-myspace, .sexy-myspace:hover, .sexy-mixx, .sexy-mixx:hover, .sexy-script-style, .sexy-script-style:hover, .sexy-designfloat, .sexy-designfloat:hover, .sexy-syndicate, .sexy-syndicate:hover, .sexy-email, .sexy-email:hover { background:url('https://i44.tinypic.com/1znbj83.png') no-repeat !important; }
.sexy-furl { background-position:-300px top !important; }
.sexy-furl:hover { background-position:-300px bottom !important; }
.sexy-digg { background-position:-500px top !important; }
.sexy-digg:hover { background-position:-500px bottom !important; }
.sexy-reddit { background-position:-100px top !important; }
.sexy-reddit:hover { background-position:-100px bottom !important; }
.sexy-stumble { background-position:-50px top !important; }
.sexy-stumble:hover { background-position:-50px bottom !important; }
.sexy-delicious { background-position:left top !important; }
.sexy-delicious:hover { background-position:left bottom !important; }
.sexy-yahoo { background-position:-650px top !important; }
.sexy-yahoo:hover { background-position:-650px bottom !important; }
.sexy-blinklist { background-position:-600px top !important; }
.sexy-blinklist:hover { background-position:-600px bottom !important; }
.sexy-technorati { background-position:-700px top !important; }
.sexy-technorati:hover { background-position:-700px bottom !important; }
.sexy-myspace { background-position:-200px top !important; }
.sexy-myspace:hover { background-position:-200px bottom !important; }
.sexy-twitter { background-position:-350px top !important; }
.sexy-twitter:hover { background-position:-350px bottom !important; }
.sexy-facebook { background-position:-450px top !important; }
.sexy-facebook:hover { background-position:-450px bottom !important; }
.sexy-mixx { background-position:-250px top !important; }
.sexy-mixx:hover { background-position:-250px bottom !important; }
.sexy-script-style { background-position:-400px top !important; }
.sexy-script-style:hover { background-position:-400px bottom !important; }
.sexy-designfloat { background-position:-550px top !important; }
.sexy-designfloat:hover { background-position:-550px bottom !important; }
.sexy-syndicate { background-position:-150px top !important; }
.sexy-syndicate:hover { background-position:-150px bottom !important; }
.sexy-email { background-position:-753px top !important; }
.sexy-email:hover { background-position:-753px bottom !important; } </style>

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Salve seu template. Se tudo correr bem repita o processo dessa vez para copiar o código que vai aparecer em baixo das suas postagens clicando novamente em "expandir modelo de widgets" procure pela tag: "<data:post.blog/>" ou <data:post.body/> cole logo abaixo desta tag. Salve novamente e pronto você já estará exibindo o sexy bookmarks no rodapé dos seus posts.


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<div class='sexy-bookmarks'><ul class='socials'><li class='sexy-delicious'><a expr:href='&quot;https://del.icio.us/post?url=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank' title='Add to Delicious' rel='nofollow'/></li>
<li class='sexy-digg'><a expr:href='&quot; https://digg.com/submit?url=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank' title='Digg This Post' rel='nofollow'/></li>
<li class='sexy-technorati'><a expr:href='&quot; https://technorati.com/faves?add=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank' title='Add to Technorati' rel='nofollow'/></li>
<li class='sexy-reddit'><a expr:href='&quot; https://www.reddit.com/submit?url=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank' title='Add to Reddit' rel='nofollow'/></li>
<li class='sexy-stumble'><a expr:href='&quot; https://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank' title='Stumble This Post' rel='nofollow'/></li>
<li class='sexy-designfloat'><a expr:href='&quot;https://www.designfloat.com/submit.php?url=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank' title='Share on DesignFloat' rel='nofollow'/></li>
<li class='sexy-facebook'><a expr:href='&quot; https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank' title='Share on Facebook' rel='nofollow'/></li>
<li class='sexy-twitter'><a expr:href='&quot; https://twitthis.com/twit?url=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank' title='Share on Twitter' rel='nofollow'/></li>
<li class='sexy-furl'><a expr:href='&quot; https://www.furl.net/storeIt.jsp?u=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank' title='Share on Furl' rel='nofollow'/></li>
<li class='sexy-syndicate'><a href='https://feeds2.feedburner.com/naeemnur' title='Subscribe to RSS' rel='nofollow'/></li>
<li class='sexy-email'><a expr:href='&quot; mailto:?subject=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank' title='Share on Email' rel='nofollow'/></li>
</ul><span class='sexy-rightside'/></div><div class='sexy-link'> <small>widget by <a target="_blank" href='https://blogando20.blogspot.com/' title='Dicas,Templates e Tutoriais'>Blogando 2.0 </a><a target="_blank" href='https://blogando20.blogspot.com/2009/10/tutorial-sexy-bookmarks-no-blogger.html' title='Adicione este widget em seu blog'> Adcione em seu blog</a></small></div>

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